Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Baby wipes are the best!

OK, we all know how great wipes are for wiping up the baby bottoms but did you know how well they can entertain a 2 year old?  They have become Camille's favorite travel "toy" as she will make wet marks on her car seat arm rests, play peek-a-boo, and, as you can see, stick them in between her toes! 

We didn't even tell them they had to hold hands!

Capybara - world's largest rodent.  So cute! Could he and Dash be BFF's?

Super dad!

Well, we never made it to Kansas today.  We had way too much fun at the St. Louis Zoo today & got on the road a bit too late.  Thankfully we found an RV park right off the interstate in Ozark, MO that is on Route 66.  It is beautiful here with the rolling hills & changing leaves. 

We are starting to all figure out our roles in this whole idea of setting up camp.  Henry & Brock are a huge help to their dad with all of the duties associated with the camper.  Everyone else just kind of runs around and, for the most part, does what we ask.  It is very strange living in such close quarters but, so far, so good!  A few tense moments but we are learning to love each other in a whole new way.  We had the kids break down 1 Corinthians 13 this morning and say what and how we can live out being patient, kind, not envious, etc.  With God's help, we can all do it!  (posted by Cheryl) 


  1. Love the updates and the photos! How am I going to make it four weeks without seeing you all? It's been four days and I'm missing you all terribly! xoxo to all! Praying daily!

  2. That last picture is beautiful.... and I think it is fun that wipes is all we need....... how long do you think that will last????
