Saturday, October 31, 2009

No pictures, please!

OK, so I'm afraid that you all are getting sick and tired of reading about the same thing going on in our family day after day but I need to be honest.  After a long and tiring night last night of Brock throwing up and various other children awakening, Henry got sick first thing this morning.  How do you go on when your fearless leader is out of commission?  In our 15 years of marriage, I've never seen (or heard) him so violently sick.  He and Brock stayed in bed all day and I took the rest of the kids with me to explore some more of the area, do some souvenir shopping and get some groceries.  We then came back here and went swimming at our campground pool.  We had plans to do an authentic old ghost town today complete with the gun fights.  Hopefully we'll get to do that tomorrow. 

Sorry, no pictures today.  You wouldn't want to see the mental pictures I have of what I've seen lately!  Seth was out with us today and had been doing great all day.  Then, around 2:30, right after eating a snack, he said he was going to be sick.  I quickly emptied a plastic cup of water into another one, and, sure enough, he threw up his snack.  Right after, he said he felt great, and went back to having fun.  I don't know what to make of that.  It is really hard when the kids are asking why God is allowing this to happen to our family during this trip.  We are still trusting Him, though, and realize that we might not ever see the answers to the "whys" while here on earth.  We are hanging in there but PLEASE keep on praying for us.  Everyone went to bed with a large bowl or trash can once again...just in case. 


  1. We are praying and maybe a family who throws up together stays together......

  2. We all just took a moment to pray for you guys...praying for health & encouragement. Hopefully you'll all be done with it now and can move on and enjoy the rest of your trip!

  3. Dad (Janeczek) suggested the puking was from eating cow testicles...just saying...

  4. Hang in there...what memories you guys are making :) Will be praying...

  5. I asked the Lord to give me a special verse for ALL of you -- Titus 1...Receive everything God our Father and Jesus our Savior give you (The Message). MISS YOU VERY MUCH; but, I'm very glad God gave you this special opportunity for family memories. I LOVE ALL OF YOU!! Mom/Joanne/Grandma

  6. Hamilton family,

    I'm sorry you guys are having some trying times on your family adventure. Cheryl, I sense that since Henry has become sick, you are struggling. I will pray for you extra hard. I know that it must be frustrating for everyone and the question of "why?" has come up. While you may not know the answer to this question, I'm pretty sure that you guys will be a stronger family as a result. I know that if I were in your shoes, I would probably have pulled the plug and we would have headed back for Indiana EARLY!!! I am amazed by your entire family's strength, and I think that, if there is a lesson to be learned, that maybe this is it--that when put to a challenge, your family is able to pull together, rise above, and stay strong. What a testament to your family. I think it is so great that you were able to take this adventure, and I know that the memories created (although not all good ones) will be cherished by your entire family forever. God Bless. The Bright Family

  7. First, I am praying that you all find good health soon.

    I just found your blog. We are also from Indiana with a family of 6. Kids ages 10, 8, 21 months and 11 months. We are wanting to do a big RV trip this summer. But have not decided if it is a good idea with the smaller children. Would love to get your advice about this when you are all better.
    Until then, I'll be following along : )
