Monday, October 19, 2009

Westward Bound to St. Louis

Day one:
What a beautiful and awesome day. I am beat though. I am amazed at how hard it is to drive an RV on the interstate. I feel like I just had the snot beat out of me for six hours. I was white knuckling it the whole way. I was only blown off the road like 2 or 50 times. It was seriously very rough and hair raising. This trip is going to require a lot of rubdowns.  I hope Cheryl is up for it. Our life group gave us a binch of travle prayers and blessings last night. We are going to read at least one a day. Thank you guys so much for that I really means a lot to us. Prayer is what will sustain us. What is supposed to take 5 hours took us closer to 8, between feeding the baby and us and bathroom breaks(lets hope we all become in tune with each other's bathroom cycles) I am being critiqued as I write this( for using to many I's) from our resident English teacher. I am glad I am not being graded. We are having a blast. We made it here in time to go up into the Gateway Arch and westward expansion museum. Those little pods they force you into had a couple of our a little ones tearful. It was actually quite cool how they get you up there.  We then had dinner a short walk away at The spaghetti Factory. NOW I AM BEING CRITQUED FOR MY LACK OF CAPS. I'LL SHOW HER. ALL POSTS WILL BE IN ALL CAPS.  I LOVE MY WIFE. SHE IS THE MOST AWESOME AND GODLY WOMAN EVER. SHE IS MY HELPMATE SUITABLE. WE ARE HEADING INTO THAT WONDEFUL STATE OF KANSAS TOMORROW. I HOPE TO PUT UP SOME PICS IN THE MORNING.


  1. Looks like you're off to a great start! I'm so glad to see more pictures than just Henry in his "Rocker" costume! I just prayed for you all to stay safe and healthy. Have fun!!

  2. (Disclaimer: This is from Jason....he couldn't get it to post for him since he doesn't have a google account.)

    Hey Cheryl, if you get too sore for driving you can always pull over and let your husband drive (haha). I pray that you all have a GREAT trip and create memories that last a lifetime. ENJOY!!!!

  3. YEAH!!! So glad to hear that you guys made it safely. Thanks for the updates and looking forward to many more!
